here..lastnite nye event...Majlis Berbuka Puasa dan Pelancaran Album at Izzi Restaurant, Bukit Bintang..the place was just nice and the food was great..semuanya berjalan dengan lancar..hehe..
here some picture... at office rite now..using abang long PC..
giler tak de org langsung kat record nye tempat..
giler tak de org langsung kat record nye tempat..
just me!! Sofiea cuti..Melvynn pun tak masuk lagi..Olynn sleeping..
n what am i suppose to do??? ade idea tak?
owwhh..sume org cam dah masukk..
sume bz memblogging...
hihi...nana ask me to help her add something kat die nye blog..
so, nak g tolong die jap..!!
besaqnya bunga!! hehe..
hha'ah!!what to do?? dah dorg yang pakai kan..have to la...:(..
Fuzzy dah menjadi peminat sejati mawi.. yeah fuzzy u mmg WORLD!!
fuzzy u mmg WORLD!!
mohd khairi: siott!! im not okay!!
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